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King Pin | Bead Electronics Blog

Solving Key Manufacturing Problems: Top 4 Challenges in 2024

Posted by Bead Electronics on Jul 2, 2024 11:00:00 AM

From pandemics to trade wars to actual wars, manufacturing has seen its share of problems over the past few years! The reality is every manufacturer is struggling with many of the same problems.

Naming every problem would be impossible in one article. However, based on the current manufacturing trends, we'll go over four major challenges every manufacturer faces today.

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Topics: Bead Industries, Community, Manufacturing

Finding Toolmakers is Key to Growth

Posted by Jill Mayer on Oct 13, 2022 9:45:49 AM

Back in 2014, local Connecticut manufacturers expressed concern over an aging workforce in a vibrant industry for the state of CT. In response, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy stated it is necessary for CT and elsewhere to continue to encourage students to pursue careers in manufacturing, reminding them, "Entry-level jobs in manufacturing often pay more than entry-level positions for those with a four-year college degree."

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Topics: Electronic Pins, Contact Pins, Bead Electronics, Swaging, Community, Manufacturing

Bead Electronics Inducted into American Manufacturing Hall of Fame

Posted by Bead Electronics on Oct 7, 2016 10:14:00 AM

Bead Industries, parent company of Bead Electronics and Bead Chain, was inducted into the American Manufacturing Hall of Fame on October 6.

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Topics: Electronic Pins, Contact Pins, Bead Electronics, Community, Manufacturing

Electronic Contact Pin Manufacturer Draws Interest on Manufacturing Day

Posted by Bead Electronics on Oct 9, 2015 11:12:00 AM

Bead Electronics hosted plant tours, a video, and speakers at their facility on Friday, October 2 in honor of Manufacturing Day. U.S. Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and other local government representatives attended the event as well as students from the Advanced Manufacturing Program at Housatonic Community College.

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Topics: Contact Pins, Community, Manufacturing

Bead Electronics Announces Manufacturing Scholarship Program

Posted by Jill Mayer on Sep 2, 2014 11:25:00 AM

To commemorate its 100-year anniversary, Bead Electronics has established The Bryant Family Scholarship Fund at Housatonic Community College to benefit its Manufacturing and Engineering programs.

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Topics: Electronic Pins, Bead Electronics, Bead Industries, Community, Manufacturing

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