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King Pin | Bead Electronics Blog

5 Problems With Automated and Semi-Automated Pin Insertion Machines

Posted by Bead Electronics on Mar 12, 2024 8:00:00 AM

The global pin insertion machine market is expected to reach over $240 million by 2026, while manual pin insertion is expected to reach around $55 million.

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Topics: Electronic Pins, PCB Contact Pins, Contact Pins, Custom Connectors, Bead Electronics, Swaging, End to End Contact Pins

Interconnect Options for Manufacturing Designs

Posted by Bead Electronics on Jan 9, 2024 8:00:00 AM

When it comes to manufacturing products that people use every day, durability is key. Consumers want products that are innovative and easy to use. They also want the things that they invest in to have longevity. Manufacturers have an obligation to create high-quality products and to accomplish this, they rely on components customized for their applications. Even the smallest part, like electrical connectors, are customized to boost both profits and customer satisfaction.

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Topics: Electronic Pins, PCB Contact Pins, Contact Pins, Custom Connectors, Bead Electronics, Hollow Contact Pins, Swaging, End to End Contact Pins, Bead Industries, Quality Standards, Manufacturing, Overmolding, Design for Manufacturing (DFM), Low-Cost Mated Pair, Pin Insertion, Crimped Pins, Coil Winding

Best Practices of PCB Design

Posted by Bead Electronics on Dec 26, 2023 8:00:00 AM

When it comes to PCB Design, not all design parameters are as stringent or clearly laid out as military specifications, or mil-spec. There aren't always clear guidelines for a given project, even if the design intent is clear. Because of that, you instead must fall back on industry best practices for PCB design.

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Topics: PCB Contact Pins, Bead Electronics, PCB Design, Design for Manufacturing (DFM)

All About Solid Wire Contact Pins

Posted by Bead Electronics on Jun 26, 2023 3:49:07 PM

Wires are considered the backbone of the modern information age. When someone uses the word "wire," they most commonly mean a flexible, cylinder-shaped piece of metal. They're probably talking about an item with a diameter that might range from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

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Topics: Electronic Pins, PCB Contact Pins, Contact Pins, Bead Electronics, Solid Wire Contact Pins, Swaging

Innovations With PCB Manufacturing Through 3D Printing

Posted by Bead Electronics on May 26, 2023 12:07:35 PM

There have been notable innovations in 3D printing recently which have paved the way for discoveries in PCB manufacturing and electronic component design.

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Topics: PCB Contact Pins, PCB Design

guide to plating for connector pins and contacts
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